Monday, April 26, 2010

Today's the Day - 4/23/2010

Mommy and Uncle Bucket have come to see me almost every day since their first visit. In fact, a lot of people have come to play with me. I think all of them want to take me home!

Today is my adoption day. The nurse won't let anyone in until 11:00 am, but I bet a lot of people are going to be ready for me to come out to play! Mommy and Daddy got to the shelter reaaaally early and sat on the cold concrete waiting for the nurse to open up.... a whole 3 hours! Mommy met a really nice man who showed up a little after she did. He was there for me too, but Mommy was first. The man said his wife really wanted to take me home and would give Mommy & Daddy $400 to let them have me. Mommy said No Way, Jose! I am just too cute to let get, Daddy being up so early was worth a whole lot more than that! I couldn't believe he did it just for me!

It was 10:00 am and time to go outside for the first time today. As we walked to the back door with the nurses, I saw Mommy out front and had to run over to say hi. She blew me kisses through the window to say hello. The nurse said I needed to go potty and play before I could take my bath and go see mom. So off I went... Me, Nelson, and Katy. Katy is a big puppy... three times my size, but I can hold my own!

Tick tock tick tock, mommy looked really anxious to come get me. Finally, 11am! Mommy came right up to my cage and asked the man for a leash. Yay! It's time to go home. Mommy introduced me to Daddy for the first time. He picked me up and gave me a hug, so I gave him a big wet kiss right on the nose in return. He carried me up front to where mommy was already talking to the nurse. They filled out all the paperwork while I laid in Daddy's arms. I looked around and saw mommy's friend with Nelson. Yay! He got a new home too! Maybe we can have puppy play dates one day. There was another lady who came to see me during the week there too. She looked very sad that Mommy beat her to me. I think she found another puppy friend though. He was a very tiny Pit bull/terrier mix baby. I always thought he was cute too! Hopefully she takes him home next week!

Mommy and Daddy thanked the nurse and said goodbye to Nelson. We went outside and they told me my new name. The people at the shelter always called my Clyde, but I knew I was more regal than that. Mommy and Daddy said my new name was Dominar Rygel XVII. They said I was named after a king who ruled over 500 billion subjects. They said he liked to eat, sleep, toot, and be waited on... Yeah, that sounds a lot like me!

Daddy drove to Mommy's work while I cuddled with Mommy. When we got there, Mommy went inside to handle some business. I was outside with Daddy for longer than I should've been but I got to meet a lot of new friends of Mommy's...even Aunt Misty! She and Mrs. Ingra were very sweet to me. I liked them loving on me.

After Mommy was done, we went to Petsmart as a family because I needed Om Noms! Om noms are what mommy calls my food. It's silly but she seems to like it. Mommy and Daddy bought me a new crate, food, treats and even my new collar! It's blue and matches my new leash!

Then it was time to come home for a bit. You would think I would be pooped from all the action. NOPE! I was HOME! I got excited and wanted to play and play. Mommy showed me my new toys. I liked the rope one the best. I also found the toy to make mommy and daddy go crazy. Mommy bought me a squeaker newspaper... she regrets it but I love it!

I finally got tired enough that mommy and daddy could put me in my crate to go meet Grandma and help her with the garage sale. I slept all the way from Irving to Grand Prairie in mommy's car. Mommy and Daddy were very proud of me.

Grandma immediately gave me awesome lovins' with her long fingernails. They felt really good on my tummy. Everyone ate Whataburger while I sat like a good boy watching and eating my food. They said that was very good of me not to beg, but it was so hard! It smelled so good!

After a walk with Grandma and going to meet her neighbors, mommy put me to bed in my crate. Then the BIG boom came. Mommy said it was just thunder but I was scared. I asked her to sit with me until I could fall back asleep. Mommy was very nice and stayed near me all night to make sure I was okay. I love when Mommy makes me feel better!

After a long night of being scared of the big booms, mommy got me up and took me outside to the garage sale. I met a bunch of new friends who all said I was adorable. As if I didn't hear that enough from mommy and daddy! After a while I fell asleep in mommy's arm, but something caught my eye. The tree in Grandma's yard was frowning at mommy. I growled at it but it never stopped. Mean ol' tree!

I also met some new puppy friends. Rylie, Grandma's neighbor's Bichon came over and said hello. He was older and bigger, but I wasn't scared. I tried to play, but he didn't look to excited. Mommy took me for a nice jog instead so I would be tired for my ride home. I slept the whole way and ended my day playing with mommy and daddy in our apartment.

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